Arrested by Kangaroo Cops
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Jackals of Slavery and How to Defeat Them
This website documents one person’s battle against the most powerful, determined, uncaring and greedy enemy of ordinary people in the world:
However, such legislation can only be enforced through the courts where, if justice were to prevail, bad laws would be vetoed and rejected in fair trials or tribunals. That is why the banks have to have dominance over the courts. They do this by firstly controlling the judges and secondly eliminating juries – thereby removing any possibility that the judges may “do right” or that the people may exercise their will.
But there is a chink in the banks’ armour – an Achilles’ heel. There is a way to smash the banks by proclaiming a simple truth which the banks have swept aside in the implementation of their practice of issuing loan contracts.
The truth is in the meaning of the word, “variable”, as found in the Oxford English Dictionary. “Variable” means “uncertain” and “certain” means “not variable”. For contracts to be valid under the common law, there must be “certainty of terms” as an essential element. Therefore, all loan contracts in which the banks have incorporated variable interest rates are invalid. Those loans are illegal and the banks are common law criminals.
The judges know this and are concealing this serious offence. This website exposes the incompetence, corruption and treachery in the judiciary.
Magna Carta says, “To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny or delay, Right or Justice.”. Unless the banks can be defeated, such noble principles are gone and the people, having no rights, are merely slaves.
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- Leaflet Archive
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- Common Law Rights Group
- Jail for the want of a Jury
- Freedom March
- Australian Judges are Frauds
- Privy Council emails and Foreign & Commonwealth Office letter
- Press Release for General Distribution
- Submission to the United Nations’ Human Rights Commission
- Transcripts & Judgements
- Forging The Queen’s Signature
- Letter to the Queen
- “The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance”
- Trial By The Country (Jury) Unlawful Imprisonment
- What is a Court?
- Judges Stealing Common Law
- Notice Of Demand On Federal Judge
- Vote OUR WAY or else!
- How to defeat the Judges
- Quo warranto – challenging the Judges
- Trial By The Country (Jury) Unlawful Eviction
- Pity bank employees who don’t know
- “High Court blocks Grand Jury”
- “What is Sovereignty?”
- Common Law Demand Format
- A Landmark Decision
- Unanswered Letter to the Australian Prime Minister
- A Poem from Jail
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