We have no strategy or plan of how to fight the banks. It is war - make no mistake about that! The object of the aggressor in a war is to gain victory and take possession of the conquered lands with all its treasures. The objective of the home side is to defend one's territory and repel the enemy. I remember a scene in an old movie when an actor, George Arliss, playing the part of the British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, said he would "smash the banks!". Unfortunately, he was not successful and even victories by US Presidents Jackson and Lincoln were short-lived. The banks eventually won back in the middle of the 19th century and that is when the wealth and assets began to be siphoned away from the people and into the coffers of the banks. There is a very interesting video tape telling the story - please contact Tony Pitt on (0741) 221 412 to obtain a copy. Inflation and devaluation coupled with manufactured cycles of "boom and bust" have been other techniques employed by the powerbrokers. As an example of devaluation, I Denis Troy sent me a copy of Habeas Corpus which said that a judge could be fined one thousand pounds for delivering a wrong judgement back in 1670. I phoned up the reserve bank of Australia and asked what would that be worth today. The young man was helpful and phoned me back an hour later to say that in 1850 that one thousand pounds was worth one thousand and fifty pounds, ie: almost no devaluation, but in 1998 it was then worth over one hundred and thirty-four thousand dollars. In 1963 Australia decimalized its currency by converted one pound into two dollars. The banks are now amalgamating to become more powerful to very soon become, in effect "El Supremo" to the world. What price freedom, then? This simple common law claim will right the scales of justice providing people are game enough to take up the gauntlet. In this war there is no point in even thinking of armed resistance because the banks control all the forces with the army and police at their beck and call. There is not even any point in trying to stir the majority of the populus in Australia because they are apathetic and been effectively divided and dispirited as a result of years of media propaganda. There is an old saying that "you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time". It is to that percentage who have twigged to the swindle that the burden of retaliation falls. It is to those who have suffered under the variable interest rate scam that have to take the truth to the courts and turn the tables using the justice system as it was intended to be used and not as it is now implemented by a corrupt judiciary. Before Christmas 1998 Tony Pitt asked if I would write a short article for his newspaper called "National Interest News" and which he publishes from time to time as finances will allow. I responded with what follows and it is worth remembering that the criminality of the banks extend beyond the variable interest rate loan contract swindle however to prove those other crimes in court would require far more complicated and time-consuming procedures such as full disclosure of the bank's records which it is not unknown for the banks to forge and lose. And keep in mind that, following the introduction of the Consumer Credit Act in 1981 to set the scene for the variable interest rate debacle, the collective assets of the major banks in Australia rose from 81 billion dollars to 384 billion dollars in six years. The method was simple, ie: create credit and give it to customers and in return take money plus interest. It's as silly as that! Give nothing and demand money. The one-way flow of money has had the banks laughing ever since. Tony said he might change the title of the article but this is how I wrote it: VARIABLE INTEREST RATES MEAN FRAUD - VICTIMS ARE ENTITLED TO COMPENSATION. COMMON LAW DEMANDS: A SIMPLE TRUTH: COMMON LAW OVERRULES STATUTE LAW: FRAUD IS STEALING: THE LAW OF TORT: GOING TO COURT: INSIST ON A FULLY INFORMED JURY: The Statement of Claim should ask for Severance of the part of the loan contract which is bad under common law which has made the contract void, ie: the variable interest rates. FORMULA FOR COMPENSATION: REPRESENT YOURSELVES: IT'S TIME: |
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