CHAPTER 6 PART OF THE BIG PICTURE "The Big Picture" is made up of too many parts to be covered here but the parts are coming together and it is not a pretty sight at least, for ordinary Australians. What was envisaged and formulated a hundred years ago, when the Australian Constitution went to the people for approval by referendum, has been eroded to the point where we are a divided and debt-ridden nation. We are losing our assets and our sovereignty at a frightening rate. The high level of youth unemployment has not come about by accident. The economic mismanagement has been skillfully managed by the "enemies, foreign and domestic". A nation's strength is based upon its people's ability to create and retain their own independence and prosperity. We have been made weak by our enemies corrupting and manipulating our public administration that involves the parliaments and the courts. The parliaments pass bad and treacherous laws and the courts enforce them while the multinational corporations play their game of rigged monopoly. The people and their rights are of no consquence in the Big Picture. The issue of whether Australia should abolish the Monarchy may seem remote from an interest rate scam but, the Commonwealth of Australia in indissolubly under the Crown and we are entitled to petition or appeal to the Queen which, in law, means the Privy Council on matters where we feel we have been wronged. In 1986 our treacherous politicians passed the "Australia Act" to eliminate appeals to the Privy Council which where I wanted to take my case as the last hope for the truth to surface. The following two pages are taken from an Affidavit I filed in the High Court on 1st April, 1997 to accompany a Notice of Motion for Injunctions against the bank to stop trading invariable interest rate loans "until this case can be fully heard", i.e.: on the assumption that the High Court would grant Special Leave to Appeal. 35. This case aims to "redress and remedy" a dreadfully wrong ""judgment" which is definitely "to the prejudice of the people" (to use the words from the Bill of Rights 1688). 36. The duration of "until this case is fully heard" over which this injunction is to be effective is to include the time taken to appeal to Her Majesty in Council should that become necessary. 37. It is an inalienable right of an Australian citizen to be able to appeal to Her Majesty in Council and any attempt to take away that right is a violation of the Australian Constitution and the Bill of Rights 1688. 38.A copy of the Constitution Act is attached to this affidavit as annexure "B".". 39.A copy of the Bill of Rights 1688 is attached to this affidavit as annexure "C". 40. Such a violation is the Australia Act 1986 where Section 11 is entitled" Termination of appeals to Her Majesty in Council". 41.A copy of the Australia Act 1986 is attached to this affidavit asannexure "D". 42. Appeals to the Queen in Council are Section 74 of the Australian Constitution and Section 128 says that "This Constitution shall not be altered except" by referendum. No such referendum has been conducted. 43. The Australia act is, therefore, repugnant to the Constitution. It is void and inoperative. 44. The Bill of Rights 1688 guarantees "That it is the right of the subjects to petition the King" and "that no declarations, judgments, doings or proceedings to the prejudice of the people in any of the said premises ought in anywise to be drawn hereafter into consequence or example; to which demand of their rights they are particularly encouraged by the declaration of his Highness the prince of Orange as being the only means for obtaining a full redress and remedy therein." 45. The Bill of Rights 1688 cannot be altered. It says, "11. And be it further declared and enacted by the authority aforesaid, that from and after this present session of Parliament no dispensation by non obstante of or to any statute or any part thereof shall be allowed, but that the same shall be held void and of no effect, except a dispensation be allowed of in such statute, and except in such cases as shall be specially provided for by one or more bill or bills to be passed during this present session of Parliament." 46. The Australia Act 1986 is "void and of no effect". 47. The Australia Act was drawn up on the premise of the Australian Constitutions. 51 which says that "The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to: ... (xxxviii). The exercise within the Commonwealth, at the request or with the concurrence of the Parliaments of all States directly concerned, of any power which can at the establishment of this Constitution be exercised only by the Parliament of the United Kingdom or by the Federal Council of Australasia". 48. The words "subject to this Constitution" prevent the Australia Act from terminating appeals to the Queen in Council because section 128 of "This Constitution" requires a referendum to alter section 74. 49. The words "exercise ... any power which can ... be exercised only by the Parliament of the United Kingdom or by the Federal Council of Australasia" are also pertinent because the Parliament of the United Kingdom and the Federal Council of Australasia "at the establishment of this Constitution "did not have the power to terminate appeals to the Queen in Council therefore, the Australia Act cannot exercise that power, either. 50. The High Court of Australia was created by Chapter 3 of the Australian Constitution to have "The judicial power of the Commonwealth" and the first paragraph of the Constitution Act (containing the Australia Constitution as Part 9) states that we have an "indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland". 51. The word, "under", means "to govern, control, bind" and the Queen, in the Coronation Oath, has sworn to govern "in Law and Justice". 52. Commonwealth is "under the Crown" and the Judicature is "under the Crown". 53. There has been no referendum put to "the electors qualified to vote for the election of members of the House of Representatives" asking to have the Constitution Act repealed and the Australian Constitution abolished. 54. The High Court of Australia remains "under the Crown" and Australian citizens retain their right to appeal to Her Majesty in Council. 55. Even Halsbury's Laws of England, 4th Edition Reissue, Butterworths 1991, has it wrong because in para. 868 it refers to the Australia Act 1986 s.11 (1) when it says "No appeal may be brought from or in respect of any decision of an Australian court to the judicial Committee of the Privy Council.". A Status Conference was held on 2nd August, 1996 before Registrar Irwin who refused to strike out the Statement of Claim but insisted that the question of law must be answered. He set a date for a Special Fixture for 17th September, 1996 and concluded by telling me to "be prepared to argue law". I filed Affidavits and various Notices of Motion and so did the solicitors for the St. George Bank Ltd. in the game of moves and countermoves. The Notice of Motion also asked for a Certificate from the High Court "to the Privy Council Office, London, confirming that: (a) an Australian citizen's right to appeal to her Majesty in Council has not been taken away, (b) the Privy Council does still have jurisdiction denied in the letter from the Registrar of the Privy Council dated 25th February, 1997 (annexure "F" in the Affidavit), and (c) that the Australia Act 1986 is "void and of no effect";". On 11th April, 1997, Sir Daryl Dawson dismissed the Notice of Motion saying, "None of the arguments which the applicant advances to support that contention (regarding the Australia Act) can be sustained.". As far as abolishing the Monarchy, I composed the next two leaflets which draws attention to an angle which will never appear in print or on the air in the major media. And finally, I can not think of anything more appropriate nor ironic than the words of the anthem, "God Save the Queen". If the banks are allowed to steal and judges to lie and pervert the course of justice, then the meaning of those words and the sacrifices of our ancestors are lost and gone forever. WHY DO THE BANKS WANT TO GET RID OF THE QUEEN? BECAUSE THEY WANT TO GET RID OF ENGLISH LAW AND MAKE THEIR OWN. THE QUEEN HAS TAKEN THE CORONATION OATH AND SWORN BEFORE GOD ""TO GOVERN THE PEOPLES OF .... AUSTRALIA." AND "CAUSE LAW AND JUSTICE, IN MERCY, TO BE
EXECUTED IN ALL (HER) JUDGMENTS". THE BANKS ALREADY CONTROL OUR PARLIAMENTS AND COURTS THROUGH CORRUPT AND TRAITOROUS POLITICIANS AND JUDGES WHO PASS AND ENFORCE LEGISLATION AT THE BANKS' BIDDING. (ONE EXAMPLE IS THE CONSUMER CREDIT ACT WHICH VIOLATES COMMON LAW AND GIVES THE BANKS AN UNRESTRICTED LICENCE TO STEAL. ANOTHER IS THE AUSTRALIA ACT WHICH VIOLATES THE CONSTITUTION ACT, THE AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTION AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS IN ORDER TO ELIMINATE OUR PROTECTIONS AGAINST THE BANKS AND WITH NO REFERENDUM.) THE QUEEN IS THE LAST OBSTACLE TO BANKS GAINING ABSOLUTE POWER. WILL YOU FIGHT TO SAFEGUARD YOUR COUNTRY AND YOUR CHILDREN? LEARN AND FIGHT! Written by J. Wilson, P.O Box 4520, North Rocks 2151 TRAITORS, ALL! AUSTRALIAN OATH OF ALLEGIANCE: "I, A.B., do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her heirs and successors according to law. SO HELP ME GOD!". U.S.A. OATH OF ALLEGIANCE: THE AUSTRALIAN CRIMES ACT 1914: A person shall not: (a) do any act or thing with intent: (i)to overthrow the Constitution of the Commonwealth by revolution or sabotage;....".;....". Penalty: life imprisonment. The Australian Constitution is Part 9 of the British Constitution Act 1900 (Vict. 63 and 64) which states "Whereas the people of New South Wales,(etc.), have agreed
to unite in one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom..". To abolish the Crown from Australia would require the repeal of the entire British Act which would bring about the "complete
overthrow of (our) established government or political system" which is, by definition, a "revolution". Written by J. Wilson, P.O. Box 4520, North Rocks, NSW 2151 |
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