COMMON LAW DIVISIONFile No: 20714 of 2000
1.I have been denied NATURAL JUSTICE and suffered harm at the hands of Justice Carolyn Simpson of the Supreme Court of New South Wales at Queen's Square, Sydney on Wednesday 4 August 1999 resulting in her granting
the St. George Bank Limited a WRIT OF POSSESSION for my home at 19 Elm Place, North Rocks, NSW, 2151.
2.My wife and I have been served with a NOTICE TO VACATE by the Sheriff's Office, Court House, cnr George and
Marsden Streets, Parramatta, NSW, 2150, in keeping with that Writ of Possession.
3.Justice Carolyn Simpson's actions were UNLAWFUL AND MALICIOUS in her denying TRIAL BY JURY and CONCEALING BANK FRAUD. The BANK
FRAUD Justice Simpson concealed was in the form of VARIABLE INTEREST RATE LOANS and the fact that banks CREATE THEIR OWN MONEY.
1.That the Crown is vicariously liable for the unlawful and
malicious actions of Justice Carolyn Simpson in the Matter of JOHN WILSON -v- ST GEORGE BANK LIMITED, File No: 11203/99, under section 8 of the Law Reform (Vicarious Liability) Act 1983 which states: "(1)
Notwithsatanding any law to the contrary, the Crown is vicariously liable in respect of the tort committed by a person in the service of the Crown in the performance or purported performance by the person of a function
(including an independent function)…".
2.That the Crown may be sued under the Crown Proceedings Act 1988.
3.RELIEF by:
(i) the Jury and the Court adjudging the awards, doings and proceedings
in the matter of File No: 11203/99 in the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Common Law Division, Queen's'Square, Sydney on 4 August 1999 and the subsequent Judgment handed down on 30 November 1999 to be of no
consequence or example, in accordance with the petition of Right 1628.
(ii)the payment of compensation for the denial of my right ("mon droit"), the injustice caused and the distress caused to my family and
self. The amount in Australian dollars to be 5 (five) million.
The Plaintiff's address for service is 19 Elm Place, North Rocks, NSW, 2151.
TO THE FIRST DEFENDANT:St. George Bank Limited, 4 - 16 Montgomery Street, Kogarah, NSW, 2217 AND TO THE SECOND DEFENDANT:State of New South Wales, Crown Solicitor's Office, 60-70 Elizabeth Street,
Sydney, NSW, 2000.
1.You are liable to suffer judgment or an order against you unless the prescribed form of notice of your appearance is received in the Court within 14 days after the service of this Statement of Claim
upon you and you comply with the rules of court relating to your defense.
PLAINTIFF: John Wilson, 19 Elm Place, North Rocks, NSW, 2151
NOMINATED PLACE FOR TRIAL: Supreme Court of New South Wales, Queen's Square, Sydney
ADDRESS OF REGISTRY: Queen's Square, Sydney. .
The Plaintiff so pleads his cause for action.
On the ……28th…….. day of …December., 2000, I, John Wilson of 19 Elm Place, North Rocks in the State of New South Wales, say on oath:
1.I am the Plaintiff. 2.I believe that the allegations of fact in the Statement of Claim set out above are true.
……John Wilson…….
Sworn at …North Rocks…….
before me …C. xxxxxxxxx…… (Justice of the Peace)