I, John Wilson of Elm Place, North Rocks in the State of New South Wales, say on oath:
1.I am the Deponent.
2.I initiated this action for TORT by means of a Statement of Claim filed on 11th April,
2000 and, at the same time, filed a Requisition for Trial by Jury. And, on 27th July, 2000, I filed a Notice to Set Down for Trial by Jury to be dealt with on 7th August, 2000.
3.In the Supreme Court of New South
Wales, Queen's Square, Sydney on Monday, 7th August, 2000, The Honourable Justice Sperling relegated these proceedings to a "Holding List".
4.I truly believe that the setting of a date for trial by jury is a matter
of urgency and necessity in the interests of administering justice and redressing serious wrongs done to me and my family emotionally, financially and to our reputation and relationships.
5.I truly believe that the
arbitrary actions of the judiciary are of national importance and must be brought before a tribunal that is the traditional representation of the country as established by law, ie: a jury. No judicial officer of any rank
can judge this case because he or she is employed by the Defendant, ie: the State of New South Wales, and is automatically disqualified.
6.I truly believe that the issues containing in my Affidavits filed in this matter
must be addressed as soon as possible to resolve similar predicaments that have occurred or are likely to occur in the future. In other words, these issues concern the administration of public justice and community
7.On Monday, 7th August, 2000, the Crown Solicitor was seeking to have the proceedings dismissed. However, because no judicial officer can make any determinations of any kind which might bear upon the
outcome of these proceedings, I truly believe that any motions - either filed by the Plaintiff or by the Defendant - can only be made to a jury.
8.Magna Carta 1215 -1297 says "To no one will we sell, to no one will
we deny or delay Right or Justice." and the Imperial Acts Application Act 1969 No. 30 says that any person guilty of such an offence is liable to 5 years imprisonment.
9.I truly believe that The Honourable Justice
Sperling, on Monday 7th August, 2000, could have referred the matter to the List Judge for the setting down for trial but, instead, chose to delay proceedings by relegating them to the "Holding List".
........John Wilson.........
Sworn at ...North Rocks.............
on ......9th August...........2000
before me..........Carol Hamilton JP 9425132 (Justice of the Peace/Solicitor)